Ripple, A Tale of Hope and Redemption- E.L. Farris

I am not sure what one more review can add to a book that has been so positively endorsed. However, I feel compelled to try. Apologies if I add nothing worthwhile.
This is highly competent story telling that explores some of the worst abuses of the psychological and physical power often wielded by sick individuals. This book is worthy of wide readership. If it isn't available or willingly sourced by your local library, then libraries deserve to be the increasingly rare places that they are becoming.
So often in real life the most selfish of individuals are able to become the most powerful. When those individuals are other than `normal', which is all too often the case, then the honest and innocent suffer. This book is an exploration of that phenomenon. All power is only as good or evil as those that wield it, with our institutionalised procedures all too often only further empowering the abuser. It makes little difference to the victim whether the corruption is instigated in the close family, or from the highest of offices.
I find some comfort in thinking that great writing like Farris's can moderate the minds of at least a few sick individuals whilst reminding us all of the need to guard against all too prevalent terrors. More than that, I desperately need to be optimistically inclined towards this the book's undoubted primary goals. If only it wasn't the already well balanced that will find this story's agitating entertainment has a most satisfactory ending.


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